
Ask 3 Questions

Everyone has concerns and questions about life, but often people do not know where to go for guidance. People may be afraid to ask their question because they are too anxious to hear the answer. Or perhaps, people are looking for a reliable source but simply don’t know who the reliable person is.

Here you can ask 3 questions containing your personal or professional life like business, love/relationships, marriage, partnerships, and improvements in business. Or for that matter, any problem or for any decision you want to take. In this report you will get recommendation for your problems.

If you want to order our Ask 3 Questions Analysis Report then Just click on Order Now Button.

Price: Rs 1500.00
Delivery: On email within 2 Days

Birth Horoscope

Horoscope is chart of planets position at time of birth. Horoscope is also called birth chart. This shows where the planets are frozen at the time of your horoscope allows astrologer to describe what kind of person you are and why the specific things happening in your life. Horoscope is map of planets at your birth time and defines your planets relationship.

If you want to order our Ask 3 Questions Analysis Report then Just click on Order Now Button.

Price: Rs 1500.00
Delivery: On email within 2 Days

Kundali Match

The most popular marriage compatibility analysis method is through the Asht-Koot Milan (8-point checking). The 8 Koots have 36 gunas in all and the compatibility of the match is assessed through a scoring system. The higher you get score, the better match you get.

Usually a score of 18 is considered as the acceptable cut-off for a good match. Each Koota of the analysis stands for a particular aspect. This report will give you the koota score for the match and the basic conclusion.

If you want to order our Ask 3 Questions Analysis Report then Just click on Order Now Button.

Price: Rs 1500.00
Delivery: On email within 2 Days

Future Prediction

Ever wondered what the coming year has in store for you? Do not worry! We Will provide you insights into all the facets of your coming year including Health, Education, Finance and Business, Career, Purchase of vehicle, Purchase of Property, Romance and Marriage predictions with accurate timing of its happening, Children, Education, Foreign travel etc.

If you want to order our Ask 3 Questions Analysis Report then Just click on Order Now Button.

Price: Rs 1500.00
Delivery: On email within 2 Days

Prashan Kundli

There are many people in the world who don’t know their exact date of birth. For such people, it is very difficult to find out their birth. A people without knowing their real birthday have to face lots of problems ahead in the life. There might be a number of reasons why a large number of people don’t know their Date of Birth.

Some think knowing Birth time is of no use. Some other people forget their exact date of birth. In other cases hospitals and medical institutions does not keep record of births. Interestingly, some parents don’t know the real birthday time of their kids. For Astrologers and fortune tellers, it is very easy to predict the accurate birthday time of a person using Unknown Birthday Time. Our Prashna Kundali will help you to tell your future without your date of birth and time.

If you want to order our Ask 3 Questions Analysis Report then Just click on Order Now Button.

Price: Rs 1500.00
Delivery: On email within 2 Days

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please feel free to contact Mr. Jayesh Dave on +91-8000 1000 18, +91-97251 75149 or Email us on contactastromacho@gmail.com.